To Keep or Not To Keep, That Is The Question...
MakeUp is always one of those things that has a lifespan I tend to say and think... Here are a few ways I tread through what to keep or not based on hygiene.
Liquid foundation: I’ve recently come to learn that most liquid foundations which is what I use are water-based, meaning that bacteria can breed easily in them once you break the seal. You need to replace foundation at least every 6-12 months, in my case it never lasts that long given the sizes Mac makes so I don’t worry on my part. Tip: Try to keep your foundation out of moist, hot environments like your bathroom because it speeds up the spoiling process! Just think of it as nail polish after a while it looks clumpy and is no fun at all to look at.
Mascara: I live by this and have come to the understanding that one should replace their mascara frequently because the bacteria that develop in it can be irritating to the eyes hence causing redness, itchiness, pink eye and sties. I wear contacts, so I make sure I don’t share my mascara, nor do I keep it for longer than recommended. You can tell once its gone bad – it will have a strange gasoline-like smell as well as start to dry out!
Lipstick: I must say there was a phase when I collected a lot of these, and with good reason as limited editions are hard to come by. Although I replace them every couple of years, I make sure I take the time to at least clean the cover areas and parts used with alcohol just to be on the safe side given the fact that the mouth area has germs. The good thing about lipsticks is you can hang onto them – as they’ll last awhile because they don’t contain any water, and as a result there is low risk in them spoiling.
Eyeliner: I am sensitive to my eyes contracting anything so basically, I replace these every couple of months. Lately I have been using the roll-up pencils unlike the ones you need to sharpen every so often as it’s easy for the little sticks to pick up bacteria and infect my eye. I use the roll-up more often and replace them every 3-4 months depending on my usage.
Blush: Powder blush and face powders last up to 2 years and they also don’t contain water. Colour pallets usually don’t finish as quickly as other products, so please always keep them well covered and preserved. Also make sure you are cleaning your brushes regularly so you aren’t transferring oils from your face back to the product.
*Quick tip: I read this from a blog and figured it was an AWESOME idea to share - Put little stickers on your makeup and write the expiration date on them – that way, you'll never have to wonder if the makeup you're using is too old.
Me smiling as usual with my lips and eyes...
Pictures : Thanks Olgie...
How often do you replace your makeup?
If you have any other beauty questions for me, do ask in the comments section of the post.
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