Gold Deposit !!!

Hey Dolls!
If ever you have wondered how I get the dewy, glowy look on my face on my pictures, then here is the answer to your question. I use bronzer and possibly a highlighter depending on my mood. The minute I started using these little babies on my face they just transformed everything and I have never turned/looked back. These two products come in different forms, but whether it’s liquid, powder (used with a makeup brush), it will instantly brighten up your face. Personally I use the powder form of all of them. And because many people don’t use these products I figured I should share.

1.) Swish On and Above The Cheekbones: Blush and Highlighters/bronzers are different. I love it when my face looks as though it’s glowing from the inside out as the light reflects off the highlighter and bronzer placed above and on the cheekbones. To put it simply it helps give a sculpted, defined glow to the whole face. There is a slight cusp underneath ones lower eye lid that is almost shaped as a C towards the temple aligned with your brow- that’s the area you want to highlight and dab downwards towards the cheek so it blends in with the bronzer and blush on the cheeks.

2.) Cheeks To Temples: I always add a little drama by placing a highlighter then a bronzer over to give my road face more definition as being sculpted. I run my brush from my cheek to my temple area and just slightly blend in. In this case a little goes a long way you don’t want to over-glow.

3.) Brow Bone And Inner Corners Of The Eye: I don’t do it often enough but I have to say the brow bone is one of my favourite places to use highlighter. I have big eyes so when I pat some right underneath the eyebrow it just gives a new depth to the piercing stare I tend to give off. It simply accentuates what I naturally already have. I also use it on the inner corners of my eyes and that just makes them look pretty when I slightly squint although I still look bright eyed and bushy tailed. ( I use a few shadows as well in the inner corners of my eyes at times by Mac such as Gleam, Retro speck etc).

4.) Cupid’s Bow: My lips don’t have a much defined lip line like other people do and so I use this trick to kind of give them some definition without using a lip liner. Your cupid’s bow is the place where your top lip dips in the middle sort of forming a triangle I usually dab a little there to help accentuate the pretty shape of my lips and make them appear fuller (I don’t use this as I have full lips but rubbing cinnamon on the lips helps plump them up for a fuller look as time goes on and I age, I probably will utilise this trick I have seen work on others. Please do not do this though after scrubbing your lips as you may be more sensitive).

5.) Bridge Of Your Nose: I usually keep my nose more natural and don’t like to use too much there unless there is a little left over on the brush after the rest of the faces usage to kind of warm my whole face up equally. I then add just a little matte powder and bronzer to seal the look before finally spraying on my Mac Studio Fix Plus spray (I use this spray often as it just makes my face look amazing). Given that I naturally have a shinny nose, I use the last of the highlighter and bronzer here and more powder and fix plus spray instead to balance my look. I love my nose but I am not trying to make it the centre of attention at this rate. It’s just a light dust over and voila you’re all done.

In regards to highlighters (shadows) and bronzers I usually use them often when I am going out somewhere fancy, but if you want to use them on a daily and have time to apply it, then go ahead with your bad self. Otherwise on my 5 minute face I tend to use less of everything. My aunt Rudo recently asked me for what I am using and I was only happy to share my little Gold Deposit (wink, wink).

Are you familiar with highlighters, or bronzers? Have you ever used them? Please share your thoughts in the comments section!


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