Good Food = Good Health And Beauty

Truth be told I am living by these words lately, What you put in your body is far more important than what you apply externally. I’m not saying that one should not moisturize the face, scalp your hair etc, the two work hand in hand but internal plays a bigger role than external applications. These following 10 foods will not only make you feel fantastic but you’ll have great hair, amazing skin and your body will be banging…

I’ve been reading up and watching a lot of youtube videos and what do you know coconut oil does wonders for our immune systems. It’s good for the heart and ofcourse it helps with making your skin glow and hairline shine. A teaspoon of this everyday gets you a step closer to a better self.

I Hear Seafood… Now we all know Salmon is delicious and provides us with Omega 3. For balanced health we need both Omega 6 and Omega 3. In most cases we tend to get much of Omega 6 and lack in the other. Some of the great sources I have found over the years that have a high content of Omega 3 are : salmon, walnuts and oils. I bet you’re asking what are the benefits of all this? Salmon is high in EFA (essential fatty acids) which is good fat, we all don’t want the bad kind that’s for sure. It’s an unsaturated fat and protects the heart now that we all love. Your skin literally illuminates when you consume salmon.

I actually have become a huge fan of Grapefruit over the past 3 years. This citrus fruit burns fat. Actually, most citrus fruits act as fat burners but especially the grapefruit. It’s great to eat right after a meal because it will keep the metabolism going to help burn unnecessary fat. So it’s essentially the best fruit ever in my world. At first the taste can be unappealing to most, but I’ll tell you this with my being a sweet tooth, I am glad I eat it and I juice it too….

Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are all extremely high sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants = anti-aging – anything to help with making my skin look ageless. They help keep you feeling and looking younger while protecting you from diseases. Plus, they’re tasty – what can I say strawberry shortcake anyone?

I can’t say I am real good at this, but to be honest it’s a good thing to have in ones diet – I’m getting better at it.Whole grain is different from wheat by the way as wheat carbs are just as good as having white carbs to be quite honest. So be on the lookout for the word “whole” to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need. Whole grain includes brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole oatmeal and popcorn (NOTE: not the bright yellow extremely salty kind). Now popcorm we all know is yummy and worth every serving you can get. These foods are high in fiber, iron and antioxidants as well. Not convinced? Folks who consume more whole grains weigh noticeably less than those who don’t so I have read.

I struggle with this most times. When they say low fat dairy that excludes milkshakes, cookies and cream or Rocky Road ice cream. It mainly refers to yogurt and low/no fat milks and cheeses. Studies show that when you consume these regularly you’re less likely to have high blood pressure and less likely to be diabetis if you’re female – please don’t shoot the messenger.

Water, Water, Water… Those that coined this water is life weren’t lying. This one is a no brainer. It is good for your body, skin and hair. Our bodies comprise of 70% water and as a result we have to keep ourselves hydrated as best we can. I know 8 glasses is a lot but just think of it helping slip you down… I am one who has tea all day and night of possible, but I try and couple that with as much water as I can during the course of the day.

Oils in nuts are great for your skin. Walnuts and almonds are great sources for essential fatty acids, while pecans have antioxidants. Nuts contain healthy fats, protein and minerals – which all work wonders in our health. Eat them fresh or roast them in a sauce pan for flavor. I lean more towards almonds personally and consume as much as I can on a weekly basis.

This is yet another one of my favs…. Green Tea helps burn fat, prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol, contains antioxidants and the best part it helps maintain good health. Like I said above, I drink tea all day and night…

Another one I like to try and cook in so many different ways. Beans are good for your heart as they are high in protein and have lots of fiber that counter calories. You can have them with rice, in a salad, in a burrito etc. (NB: If you consume 2000 calories but 14 grams of fiber, your calorie count drops to 1600.) Less calories = less weight. Beans and yummy and worth every mouth full….

We all have different taste buds. I am not saying I am perfect in the art of eating right, but I try and do the best I can.... We can all motivate one another to get better at it.... From my heart to yours....


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