“When you know yourself, your value is presented. You soon begin to understand that there will only be one you so there’s no need to envy or try to duplicate another.” -Germaine Moody It is very interesting that women in our generation are so independent, driven and goal oriented. As a result we are achieving career goals that were unimaginable 50 years ago. With the rise of independent women who are mostly single and at the height of divorce rates it makes me wonder are we conquering corporations and not the home because we have lost the role of acting like a lady? Though we may be teetering or wavering between roles in most circumstances, we should not stop taking on that old fashioned role of being a lady. - Now these are things I use on a regular and I hope you do too… Be Lovely: Let’s be honest, you have to be fun and no one wants to be around a party pooper but rather a fresh breath of air. You should always be the highlight of the party and people should want to be around...