Good Food = Good Health And Beauty
Truth be told I am living by these words lately, What you put in your body is far more important than what you apply externally. I’m not saying that one should not moisturize the face, scalp your hair etc, the two work hand in hand but internal plays a bigger role than external applications. These following 10 foods will not only make you feel fantastic but you’ll have great hair, amazing skin and your body will be banging… 1. COCONUT OIL I’ve been reading up and watching a lot of youtube videos and what do you know coconut oil does wonders for our immune systems. It’s good for the heart and ofcourse it helps with making your skin glow and hairline shine. A teaspoon of this everyday gets you a step closer to a better self. 2. SALMON I Hear Seafood… Now we all know Salmon is delicious and provides us with Omega 3. For balanced health we need both Omega 6 and Omega 3. In most cases we tend to get much of Omega 6 and lack in the other. Some of the great sources I have found over the...